YAHOOS - traduction vers arabe
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YAHOOS - traduction vers arabe

Yahoo! (disambiguation); Yahoos; "Yahoo Software" (disambiguation); Yahoo! Inc



جافٍ ; جافّ ; جلْف ; خَشِن ; خَشِين ; غَلِيظ ; فِجّ ; فَظّ

ألياه واحد من جنس البهائم      
  • ديفيد فايلو]]
  • شعار الشركة منذ 1995 حتى 2013 (الشعار باللون الأرجواني مستخدم منذ 2009)
شركة خدمات حاسوبية أمريكية
ياهوو; ياهو; Yahoo; Yahoo!; ياهوو!; Y!; Yahoo! Mobile;; Yahoo! Finance



Yahoo (disambiguation)

Yahoo! is a web services provider jointly by Apollo Global Management and Verizon Communications, and known for its web portal, search engine, and related services.

Yahoo may also refer to:

Exemples de prononciation pour YAHOOS
1. Yahoo!
How the Internet Happened _ Brian McCullough _ Talks at Google
2. Yahoo...
BikeSnobNYC _ Eben Weiss _ Talks at Google
3. >> PETER: Yahoo?
Living Thing _ Peter Bjorn and John _ Talks at Google
4. transformed Yahoo.
Alibaba - The House That Jack Ma Built _ Duncan Clark _ Talks at Google
5. it was Yahoo search.
Fair Shot - Rethinking Inequality & How We Earn _ Chris Hughes _ Talks at Google
Exemples du corpus de texte pour YAHOOS
1. These aren‘t a couple of yahoos on some wild–eyed ideological mission.
2. The way the press and bloggers suck up to those googlers and yahoos is sticky and disgusting.
3. The portals, the Yahoos, were not worried about search, they were worried about holding you on their sites.
4. They can‘t either, but it only has to happen one or two times for people to get the message." "If we lose Fallujah, then we look like a bunch of yahoos who can‘t control one city.
5. "We must preserve neutrality in this system in order to allow new Googles of the world, new Yahoos, the new Amazons, to form," said Vinton Cerf, a Google vice president who in previous jobs helped develop the Internet.